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Tale: Adventure across the South of Soria
It all started the day we first set foot in Southern Soria. We were many people and maybe it was a coincidence, but the truth is that I, especially, increased gradually the frequency of my visits.
No matter where I look, I always found something new in the land. As a whole or in detail, what I saw it seemed unique and beautiful. Even today, when I look at the high moors from the south, I'm impressed with the infinite horizon, the greatness of what I see and the promise that hides many secrets.
Since the descriptions of this area are elsewhere in this website, I would invite you to read a short story I wrote many years ago. It collects some of my impressions of the South of Soria, but oversized.
You can download it and read it now or later. I Hope you like it. I think it's a good way to get on these pages and understand why Lady of the South (Dama del Sur).